Kudos for DSPs
Kind Words for Our DSPs
Direct Support Professionals go unnoticed by society. They are an invisible workforce especially when compared to other health care or social work professions. However, our DSPs are the life blood of the Community Supports Network. They carry out our mission in the work that they do each and every day.
Please take some time to fill out the form below to send some kind words or a kudos to our DSPs to let them know they are seen and appreciated.
Compliance Officer
Should you have concerns about CSN's compliance, you can report your concerns to the Compliance Officer:
Tiffany Schnittker
(402) 435-2134 Ext. 1007
Anonymous Compliance Hotline
You may also make an anonymous phone call to the below hotline number regarding a compliance concern.
Anonymous compliance hotline: 1-855-661-2667